The parable in Luke 20:9-18 shows that Jesus advocated the death penalty for murderers, but his enemies opposed it because his enemies were the murderers who would later murder him.
The Roman criminals Hellenized and falsified the true messages of Christ and thereby opposed the death penalty, which is why in the Bible you find the doctrine of love for enemies.
The doctrine of love for enemies contradicts all the prophecies and all the law of the God of Christ given to Moses, there are too many things that don't fit in the Bible, it is that the Romans never converted to the faith of Christ, they have told us that, but they have deceived us, the Romans have destroyed the true message and have created false messages but they attributed them to Christ and his apostles. In my various web pages I demonstrate how there are passages of the Bible that complement each other pointing to the same direction, but there are others who are counterproductive, those who make money with the Bible or those who feel justified and chosen with the Bible despite not being righteous people, they are going to defend the credibility of the Bible tooth and nail, but not me. In Peru, where I live, every day we see crimes, kidnappings, extortions, rapes, assaults, scams and many other despicable acts of injustice that should be punished with the death penalty, but are not, because it is not legal here, but here I show you that it should be legal and within fair rules:
The Roman falsification of the gospel was not perfect, the evidence is the contradictions, if you interpret the parables as I interpret them, and you read the prophecies alluded to by those parables, you will realize that Jesus was in favor of the death penalty, One of the main parables that shows that Jesus was in favor of the death penalty is the parable of the murderous farmers. In this parable Jesus predicts his own death at the hands of people who wanted to usurp him since they knew that he was the son of God. , here goes that parable:
(Mt. 21.33-44; Mr. 12.1-11)
Luke 20:9 Then he began to tell the people this parable: A man planted a vineyard, rented it out to tenants, and went away for a long time. 10 And at his time he sent a servant to the husbandmen, that they might give him of the fruit of the vineyard; but the tenants beat him and sent him away empty-handed. 11 He again sent another servant; But they also, beaten and insulted, sent him away empty-handed. 12 He again sent a third servant; but they also threw this one out, wounded. 13 Then the lord of the vineyard said, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son; Maybe when they see him, they will respect him. 14 But when the tenants saw him, they argued among themselves, saying, This is the heir; Come, let us kill him, so that the inheritance may be ours. 15 And they cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him. What then will the lord of the vineyard do to them? 16 He will come and destroy these tenants, and give his vineyard to others. When they heard this, they said: God save us!
Observe how in Luke 20:16 unjust people oppose murderers being sentenced to death, they do not want that saying «God forbid.»
But then he observes how Jesus, like me and other righteous people, seems fair to us and that is what we want and seek:
Luke 20:17 But he, looking at them, said, What then is it that is written, The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner? 18 Anyone who falls on that stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, he will break it into pieces.
«I am not Pilate, but I do wash my hands, I am innocent of the blood of that just man, there you who blame yourself by despising my words.»
Daniel 12:10 Many will be clean, and made white and purified (many will wash their hands); the wicked will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand (they will have to bear the cross), but those who understand will understand (Proverbs 11:8 The righteous is delivered from tribulation; But the wicked enters in his place (Daniel 12:1 At that time Michael, the great prince who is on the side of the children of your people, will arise; and it will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation until then; but at that time your people will be delivered, all who find writings in the book.)
I am innocent of these slanders against Christ, I wash my hands:
It was the Romans and not the faithful Jews, who have committed rebellion, murder, slander, blasphemy and fraud.
After murdering the first Christians, who first of all were Jews of true Judaism, the Romans falsified their doctrines to favor Greek customs and phrases of Greek wise men, for example:
Phrases of wise Greeks, the phrases of Cleobulus of Lindos, treat others as you want to be treated and love your enemies, are phrases of that wise Greek who lived many centuries before Christ, but the Romans made his phrases part of the gospel .
Treating others as they deserve is not the same as treating everyone as we would like to be treated!! It is not proper of the loyal to love their friends and also their enemies, the loyal only love their friends, and only hate their enemies!!! And this is how the God of the Jews does:
Nahum 1:7 Jehovah is good, a strength in the day of trouble; and knows those who trust in him. 8 But with a mighty flood he will consume his enemies, and darkness will pursue his enemies. 9 What do you think against Jehovah? He will make a consummation; He will not take revenge twice on his enemies.
We all hate those we know are our enemies, we all do!! Even the long-haired god whom the Romans worship hates his enemies, but he is a hypocrite, and through them, he claims to love his enemies, the hypocrites deny that they hate his enemies, but the faithful confess it!
Deuteronomy 32:41 If I sharpen my shining sword and take hold of judgment, I will take vengeance on my enemies, and will repay those who hate me (God’s enemies hate him, but they say «we love our enemies, we love to Jehovah», among them is Zeus (Jupiter), the god of the Romans). 42 I will make my arrows drunk with blood, And my sword will devour flesh; In the blood of the dead and the captives, In the long-haired heads of the enemy (Like the long hair of Zeus!).
Deuteronomy 32:43 Jehovah will avenge the blood of his servants, and will take vengeance on his enemies, and will make atonement for the land of his people.
Greek customs: The Romans, like the Greeks, ate pork, many decades before Christ the Greeks persecuted the Jews who did not want to eat pork and wanted to force them with threats of torture and death, many of those Jews preferred to die by hands of the Hellenes instead of eating pork, and when they died they already affirmed that they believed in the resurrection and that by dying for love of the laws of God, they would inherit eternal life:
2 Maccabees 7:7 This is how the first died (Tortured for refusing to eat pork). Then they took the second to the torture, and after scalping him, they asked him:
—Do you want to eat (pork), so they don’t cut your body into pieces? 8 He, responding in his native language, said, “No!», So he was equally subjected to torment. 9 But he, breathing his last, said: «You criminal, you take away our present life. But the King of the world will resurrect us who died by his laws to eternal life.»
In fact, the law of the God of the Jews prohibits eating pork, and Christ was the king of the Jews and not of the Romans or the Greeks, the law of Jehovah says: «You shall not eat anything abominable,» and the black list includes pork, shellfish, bats, among others (Deuteronomy 14).
If you read 2 Maccabees 7:7-9, the text cited above, you will notice that before Christ the Jews already believed in the resurrection for final judgment, it happens, and this is not told to you by the successors of the Roman persecutors and not by the first Christians (among the true Christians there were no despicable people such as those who rape children or those who become rich with tithes or donations defending the falsehoods that I freely denounce, the successor of Peter is the Pope? Don’t be naive, the Pope is successor of Caesar!), it happens that reincarnation is the resurrection for the final judgment. When saints reincarnate they do not remember what they had already learned in their past lives, that is, they love justice but they do not know the doctrines of the true religion that they professed in their past lives as saints, and true saints do not have absolutely nothing to do with those false saints attached to the honoring of statues, celibacy, the spread of falsehoods and slander against their consistent critics.
The prophecies in Daniel show that the saints are defeated and delivered into the hands of the wicked while this occurs. Did you know that when one sins, sin overcomes him?, Why could a person who in his past life was a saint sin if not because they simply do not know that they are sinning?, that’s what I’m saying. They are born reincarnating in different places in the world. They are scattered in various territories, being a minority in them. Therefore, they are poorly educated in the various false religions that dominate the world. That is why they They sin, but then, and in different ways, with the passage of time they come to know the true faith, and thus they are delivered.
Next I will show you how the prophecy of Daniel 7 harmonizes perfectly with the prophecy of Psalms 118, in which mention is made of what Jesus mentioned when cursing his enemies with that parable (how hard-faced and imbeciles the Romans will be, that they despite this parable, they tell us that he preached blessing the enemies): «The stone that the builders despised but which is the main stone of building», that stone is justice and a fundamental part of justice is fair application of the death penalty.
Daniel 7:19 Then I desired to know the truth about the fourth beast, which was so different from all the others, very frightening, having teeth of iron and nails of bronze, which devoured and broke in pieces, and trampled the remains. with his feet; 20 also concerning the ten horns that were on his head, and the other that had grown out of him, before which three had fallen; and this same horn had eyes, and a mouth that spoke great things, and it seemed larger than its companions. 21 And I saw that this horn made war against the saints, and defeated them, 22 until the Ancient of days came, and justice was done to them by the saints of the Most High; and the time came, and the saints received the kingdom.
Isaiah 42:12 Give glory to Jehovah and declare his praises
the coasts. Revelation 14:7 Fear God and give glory to him,
because the hour of his judgment has come; and worship him who made the sky and the earth, the sea and the sources of water.
Éxodus 21:16 “Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper’s possession.
I want justice for me!!: death penalty for my kidnappers!!
This is me in 2000, I was 24 years old, I just wanted to find a wife (Proverbs 19:14).
I tried to please God so that he would bless me with a wife, I stopped being Catholic since I read the original 10 commandments (Exodus 20), in my free time I dedicated myself
preach the Bible for free, criticizing my old faith, indignant at feeling deceived in mine good faith, but my fanatical Catholic relatives did not respect my new faith, and with slander and against my will they kidnapped me, three times in centers for the mentally ill, I want justice!.
José Carlos Galindo Hinostroza
DNI 07502609 – PERU
The mistake I made without realizing it, was to deny the Catholic Church, claiming that its doctrines contradicted what I read in the Bible, so without realizing it, I was saying that the serious lies of the Roman Empire in the Bible were words of truth, that’s why God let those unjust people stop me (Psalms 118 “Jehovah has punished me severely but has not handed me over to death”)
In the following prophecy the unjust are called «nations», if you find here «love for the nations», let me know…
Psalms 118:10 All nations surrounded me; But in the name of the Lord I will destroy them. 11 They surrounded me and besieged me; But in the name of Jehovah I will destroy them. 12 They surrounded me like bees; They burned like fire from thorns; But in the name of Jehovah I will destroy them. 13 You pushed me violently so that I would fall, but Jehovah helped me.
14 Jehovah is my strength and my song, and he has been my salvation. 15 There is a voice of joy and salvation in the tents of the righteous; The right hand of Jehovah does mighty things. 16 The right hand of the Lord is sublime; The right hand of Jehovah does mighty things.
17 I will not die, but I will live, And I will tell of the works of Jehovah.
Road stories│Try putting on my shoes, because of my faith on true prophecies I am alive, I survived. |
This is a crucial part, why would God punish a person if not because he sins? Observe how the sinner in question is a just person, since despite having sinned and therefore having been rebuked by God (through corrective punishment and non-destructive), he enters through the door where only righteous people can enter.
Psalm 118:18 Jehovah punished me severely, but he did not deliver me up to death. 19 Open the gates of righteousness to me; I will enter through them, I will praise Jehovah. 20 This is the door of Jehovah; Through it the righteous will enter.
Conclusions: The parable in Luke 20: 9-18 shows that Jesus defended the death penalty for murderers, but his enemies opposed it because his enemies were the murderers who would later kill him.
La pena de muerte es parte de la justicia verdadera que fue despreciada por el imperio romano.
Daniel 7:26 Pero se sentará el Juez, y le quitarán su dominio para que sea destruido y arruinado…
Sueños que son continuación otros sueños , soñar con la continuación de un sueño.
Apocalipsis 12:10 Defensa propia, el contragolpe - Revelation 12:10 Self defense, counter attack
Las mentiras del Papa Francisco Bergoglio - (Daniel 11:36).
Devinette, de quoi parle-t-on ? : Dès votre naissance, on vous accuse déjà en disant : « Il est né avec le péché originel et il a besoin d’être baptisé ». Quand tes parents t’emmènent à leur église là-bas, ils t’apprennent à te frapper la poitrine en disant ceci : « J’avoue que j’ai péché et j’avoue aussi que c’est ma faute, ma grande faute. Si vous avez des ennemis qui vous attaquent, ils vous disent : « Si vous voulez que vos péchés soient pardonnés, pardonnez à vos ennemis, rappelez-vous que nous sommes tous pécheurs. Si vous transgressez les doctrines de cette église, ils vous traitent de pécheur et vous disent que vous transgressez les règles de Dieu. Je comprends que Dieu est un être incréé et supérieur ; Si la justice est une valeur supérieure, Dieu serait-il favorable à la condamnation des innocents avec les coupables ? Cette église est le vestige d’un empire qui a persécuté un groupe de personnes qui respectaient la justice, l’empire romain était un empire qui a détruit les écritures de la foi qu’il persécutait, cependant on vous dit que cet empire s’est converti à la foi qu’il a persécuté et qu’il a commencé à prêcher les messages qu’il a persécutés, et ils vous disent aussi que dans la Bible qu’ils ont accepté il y a les messages qu’ils ont persécutés mais qu’ils se sont ensuite consacrés à défendre, je vous le demande, les croyez-vous ? Vous semblent-ils dignes de confiance ?. Si vous êtes juste, pourquoi devriez-vous rejoindre un groupe de personnes dont la conscience les accuse d’être injustes ?. Si vous êtes juste, la meilleure chose que vous puissiez faire est de ne pas porter sur vos épaules le blâme des autres, ce n’est pas dans votre intérêt de porter le fardeau de ceux qui commettent l’injustice mais qui croient qu’ils seront pardonnés pour avoir suivi les règles transmises par d’autres personnes injustes et pour avoir répandu leurs mensonges. Réponse : Nous parlons de la religion du Diable, celui que les Romains du passé adoraient : L’Homme, Zeus, le soleil (Triumvirat des Romains). Chez les Romains, on adorait le Sol Invictus, le « Soleil invincible », dont la fête était célébrée à l’occasion du solstice d’hiver, le 25 décembre, quand, croyait-on, c’était la nuit la plus froide et, à partir de ce moment-là, le soleil se levait à nouveau. Exode 20 :5 Tu ne te prosterneras devant aucune image, honore-la, je suis Jéhovah, ton Dieu, un Dieu jaloux qui hait ceux qui le haïssent et qui aime ceux qui l’aiment. Jéhovah n’aime pas ses ennemis : Matthieu 5 :38-48 est un mensonge de l’empire romain des bêtes, cet empire n’a respecté ni le commandement, ni le message, ni l’apparence physique du Christ : ils l’ont diffamé avec l’image d’un « soleil fait homme », pour continuer avec l’idolâtrie des images du soleil que l’Empire romain adorait déjà lorsqu’ils l’ont tué.
Je fais ce qu'ils feraient (Apocalypse 12:7), je combats les faux témoignages contre Dieu, et la Bible inclut ces faux témoignages, c'est pourquoi Apocalypse 12:9 dit ce qu'il dit : la Bible fait partie de cette tromperie du monde. Avec ces mots : Apocalypse 22:18 J'atteste à quiconque entend les paroles de la prophétie de ce livre : Si quelqu'un ajoute à ces choses, Dieu fera venir sur lui les fléaux qui sont écrits dans ce livre. 19 Et si quelqu'un retranche des paroles du livre de cette prophétie, Dieu retranchera sa part du livre de vie, et de la ville sainte, et des choses qui sont écrites dans ce livre. Jean ne faisait pas référence à la Bible, la Bible n'existait pas, Jean faisait référence au véritable évangile qui consistait à maudire les ennemis, pas à les bénir comme le mensonge l'indique dans Matthieu 5:38-48, précisément pour cette raison il maudit ceux dont il savait qu'il falsifierait les mots même du livre de ce livre qu'il a écrit, mais aucun mensonge n'est solide, aucun saint n'est mort en ressentant de l'amour pour ses ennemis qui les ont assassinés, ce passage en est la preuve : Apocalypse 6:10 Et ils crièrent à haute voix , en disant : Jusques à quand, Seigneur, Saint et Vrai, ne jugeras-tu pas et ne vengeras-tu pas notre sang sur ceux qui habitent sur la terre ? Dieu est aussi vengeur, et ce passage le dit clairement : Apocalypse 16:5 Et j'entendis l'ange des eaux dire : Tu es juste, Seigneur, qui es et qui étais, le Saint, parce que tu as jugé ces choses. . 6 Parce qu'ils ont versé le sang des saints et des prophètes, tu leur as aussi donné du sang à boire ; eh bien ils le méritent. 7 J'en entendis aussi un autre qui, du haut de l'autel, disait : En vérité, Seigneur Dieu tout-puissant, tes jugements sont vrais et justes. L'amour pour les ennemis basé sur un Dieu qui aime ses ennemis fait partie des mensonges romains de l'évangile.
L'amour des ennemis est une tromperie de l'ennemi de Dieu, le déni de la loi qui interdit la consommation d'aliments comme le porc et les chauves-souris l'est aussi ; La Bible a des mensonges sur l'empire qui ne s'est jamais converti à la foi qu'il a persécutée, l'empire romain a persécuté cette foi pour la détruire en l'hellénisant. Dans la version de l'évangile falsifiée par les Romains dans Matthieu 15:11 Jésus nous dit (Pour nier la loi dans Deutéronome 14) : "Mangez de tout car rien de ce qui entre dans la bouche d'un homme ne le contamine", les Romains accusent ainsi Jésus de quelque chose qu'en Juif fidèle il n'a jamais dit : Comme Antiochus IV Epiphane, ils avaient en tête d'helléniser la vraie religion. L'évangile a été hellénisé par les Romains, comme le visage de Zeus, alors ils nous disent avec les images que c'était le visage de Jésus ; et la doctrine du grec Cléobule de Lindos est celle qui dit : « Aime ton ennemi », mais ils nous disent que Jésus l'a enseignée : Et c'est un mensonge. Antiochus IV Epiphane a torturé huit Juifs, sept frères et leur mère parce qu'ils refusaient de manger du porc parce que Dieu l'interdit (Lévitique 11, 2 Maccabées 7). La prophétie d'Ésaïe 65 confirme deux choses : 1 # Dieu aime ses amis et hait ses ennemis. 2# La consommation de porc est confirmée interdite. Antiochus, le roi grec : "Voudriez-vous manger du porc pour qu'on ne vous coupe pas le corps en morceaux ? (2 Maccabées 7 :7)." Zeus, le dieu grec : "Rien de ce que moi Dieu ai fait n'est mauvais si vous le recevez en me priant, vont-ils refuser de manger du porc ?, tous m'adorent, ceux qui ne le font pas, vont au feu éternel (1 Timothée 4:3, Hébreux 1 :6, Luc 11:28, Matthieu 18 :7). » La phrase : "Fais du bien à tes amis et ennemis, car ainsi tu préserveras les uns et il te sera possible d'attirer les autres." C'est de Cléobule de Lindos, "aime ton ennemi est une autre façon de dire la même chose", mais cela contredit la loi et les prophètes, Jésus respectait la parole de Dieu, mais pas les persécuteurs romains.

Ne vous trompez pas, ne me confondez pas avec les autres.









J'ai été programmeur informatique, j'aime la logique, en Turbo Pascal j'ai créé un programme capable de produire au hasard des formules d'algèbre de base, similaires à la formule ci-dessous. Dans le document suivant en .DOCX vous pouvez télécharger le code du programme, c'est la preuve que je ne suis pas bête, c'est pourquoi les conclusions de mes recherches doivent être prises au sérieux.
Si f=657.746 et m=f alors m=657.746
Les principales conclusions de mes recherches : La tromperie de l'empire romain dans la Bible vs. le message des persécutés au temps de Christ. :
Ironie contre le message calomnieux et contradictoire typique d'un prophète hypocrite : "Si vous priez ces hommes qui sont habillés en femmes et ont des cheveux comme des femmes, ou si vous priez leurs images, alors vous adorez des démons, et vous n'adorez pas seulement le Dieu d'Abraham et son neveu Lot; mais si vous faites de même avec nos images sacrées ou les hommes aux cheveux longs que nous prions à travers ces images sacrées, vous ne péchez pas parce que nous disons qu'ils sont les sept archanges de Dieu et leurs images, à qui nous prions afin qu'ils intercèdent pour nous devant Dieu car ils sont les yeux et les oreilles de Dieu, si nous ne prions pas Dieu à travers eux ou à travers nos statues sacrées, Dieu ne saura pas ce que nous disons dans nos prières parce que Dieu a des limites sensorielles." Ces stupides croient-ils que Dieu a des limites intellectuelles et sensorielles, comme ne pas savoir à l'avance quoi faire contre ses ennemis (Nahum 1:2-14) ? Ces prêtres diront-ils (Ils ne cherchent pas une femme pour eux-mêmes, c'est pourquoi ils ont plus en commun avec les Sodomites qu'avec Abraham ou Lot ; ils ne recherchent pas la bénédiction de Dieu : Proverbes 19:14, ils ont donc choisi le célibat en s'excusant sur la base de mensonges romains dans leur Bible), que deux des saints anges étaient déguisés en femmes, et que pour cette raison les hommes de Sodome (qui ont fait des choses que Dieu hait (Genèse 19 :1-38, Ézéchiel 16 :20, Deutéronome 22 :5)) voulaient avoir des relations sexuelles avec elles, et pas seulement avec ces fidèles messagers de Dieu (ces messagers étaient des êtres masculins comme des hommes avec l'apparence d'hommes et des vêtements masculins, pères de héros célèbres (les demi-dieux qui ont fait face à des géants maléfiques - Genèse 6: 1-4), pas des êtres asexués comme méduses, pas des êtres hermaphrodites comme les escargots, pas des êtres féminins comme des femmes, mais des hommes qui n'étaient pas rebelles, mais fidèles aux lois de Dieu (Daniel 3 :25, Daniel 9 : 21, Psaumes 86:2, Deutéronome 22:5, Psaumes 18:25-30, Genèse 2:24, Genèse 3:22-24)), mais aussi avec l'homme, en qui Dieu s'est complu, et qui donc était un homme qui ne s'habillait pas en femme, mais qui malgré cela, était l'objet du désir sexuel d'hommes abominables ?
Tú has sido, te señalo, eres la mujer defendida por la falsa religión de Babilonia, ambas calumnian!
Gabriel's victory against the devil and his angels, he sends them to hell to be punished
El libro de las dos vidas
Riddle, what are we talking about?: From the moment you are born they are already accusing you saying: «He was born with original sin and he needs to be baptized.» When your parents take you to their church there they teach you to beat your chest saying this: «I confess that I have sinned and I also confess that it is my fault, my great fault.» If you have enemies who attack you, they tell you: «If you want to be forgiven for your sins, forgive your enemies, remember that we are all sinners.«. If you transgress the doctrines of that church, they call you a sinner and tell you that you transgress God’s rules, I understand that God is an uncreated being and is superior; If justice is a higher value, would God be in favor of condemning the innocent along with the guilty?, That church is the remnant of an empire that persecuted a group of people who respected justice, the Roman empire was a empire that destroyed the scriptures of the faith that it persecuted, however they tell you that that empire converted to the faith that it persecuted and that it began to preach the messages that it persecuted, and they also tell you that in the Bible that they have accepted there are the messages that they persecuted but that they later dedicated themselves to defending, I ask you, do you believe them?, Do they seem trustworthy to you?, If you are righteous, why should you join a group of people whose conscience does accuse them of being unrighteous?, If you are righteous, the best thing you can do is not to carry in your shoulders the blame of others, it is not in your best interest to carry the burden of those unjust who do injustice but who believe that they will be forgiven for following rules handed down from other unjust people and for spreading their lies. Answer: We are talking about the religion of the Devil, the one whom the Romans of the past have worshiped: Man, Zeus, the sun (Triumvirate of the Romans). Among the Romans, Sol Invictus was worshiped, the «Sun Invincible», whose festival was celebrated on the occasion of the solstice of winter on December 25, when, it was believed, it was the coldest night long and, from then on, the sun began to rise again. Exodus 20:5 You shall not bow down to any image to honor it, I am Yahweh your God, a jealous God who hates those who hate him and loves those who love him. Yahweh does not love his enemies: Matthew 5:38-48 is a lie of the Roman beast empire, that empire did not respected neither the commandment, nor the message, nor the physical appearance of Christ: they defamed him with the image of «a Sun made man», in order to continue the idolatry to images of the Sun that the Roman Empire already worshiped when they killed him.
The love of enemies is a deception of the enemy of God, the denial of the law that prohibits the consumption of foods such as pork and bats is also a deception; The Bible has lies from the empire that never converted to the faith that it persecuted, the Roman empire persecuted that faith to destroy it by Hellenizing it. In the version of the gospel falsified by the Romans in Matthew 15:11 Jesus tells us (To deny the law in Deuteronomy 14): "Eat everything because nothing that enters a man's mouth contaminates him", the Romans are thus accusing Jesus of something that as a faithful Jew he never said: Like Antiochus IV Epiphanes, they had in mind to Hellenize the true religion. The gospel was Hellenized by the Romans, like the face of Zeus, so they tell us with the images that it was the face of Jesus; and the doctrine of the Greek Cleobulus of Lindos is the one that says: "Love your enemy", but they tell us that Jesus taught it: And that is a lie. Antiochus IV Epiphanes tortured eight Jews, seven brothers and his mother because they refused to eat pork because God forbids it (Leviticus 11, 2 Maccabees 7). The prophecy in Isaiah 65 confirms two things: 1 # God loves his friends and hates his enemies. 2# The consumption of pork is confirmed prohibited. Antiochus, the Greek king: "Would you like to eat pork so they won't cut your body to pieces? (2 Maccabees 7:7)." Zeus, the Greek god: "Nothing that I God did is bad if you receive it by praying to me, are they going to refuse to eat pork?, worship me all, those who don't, go to eternal fire (1 Timothy 4:3 , Hebrews 1:6, Luke 11:28, Matthew 18:7)." The phrase: "Do good to your friends and enemies, because in this way you will preserve the ones and it will be possible for you to attract the others." It is from Cleobulus of Lindos, "love your enemy is another way of saying the same thing", but that contradicts the law and the prophets, Jesus respected the word of God, but the Roman persecutors did not.
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